What made you decide to take the plunge?

  • Continual exhaustion. Literally being so tired at any moment at the day that I only ever wanted to be in bed and was starting to feel like I couldn't be present for friends and family.
  • Being stuck out of shape. Huffing and puffing after going up stairs, when on the treadmill, and when doing any activity whatsoever, as well as not being able to make any real progress or get in any good exercise at the gym because I am lethargic/out of shape.
  • The weight gain. I cannot eat a "normal" American diet and lose weight and/or maintain a healthy weight. For me, there is either lots of cellulite, and lots of ice cream and cookies, or neither.
  • The mood instability. Honestly one of the reasons I just started again was that people say it a lot but keto really does stabilize my moods. When I'm done eating 2 or 3 slices of pizza, or a big sandwich for that matter, I feel tired, sad, overly full, and guilty for not eating healthily.
  • Constant hunger and mindless eating. Never being full.
  • Tummy aches. My tummy hurts all the time when I eat a normal diet. It is the carbs. When I am done with a carby meal I feel too full to move and am in pain. This never happens on keto.
  • Lack of flavor. Honestly, when I eat carby meals, I often realize that a keto meal would have been more flavorful. Often times I would rather have cheese than ice cream...
  • Joints/bone pain. My joints, flexibility and bones have been really bad lately on the American diet and recently I started getting what someone might describe as a growing pain in certain parts of my bones. Excruciatingly painful. This frightened me and was a sign that I wasn't taking care of my body and it was starting to do damage.
  • Self-image. Liking (or hating less) what I see in the mirror.
  • Self-pride. Being proud of my healthy choices. Not regretting my meals and my lifestyle.
/r/xxketo Thread