Key things YOU needed to cut out?

Zero-carb bread and substitutes for mainstream food. Craving is about remembering the food I like, not because my body mysteriously craves whatever vitamin is in a wad of cookie dough. If I’m constantly reminding myself what bread tastes like by eating a crappy substitute, of course my cravings will be stronger.

My family always served bread at meals and we had sandwiches and toast. It is a habit engrained in me. If I have a slice of bread with my meal and I just sub it for a keto version, I’m not learning to break the habit of eating bread. Then when I get to my goal weight and maybe start to normalize my diet, it would be easy to go back to eating normal bread and then the bad habits that got me fat in the first place start to surface again. When I get to my goal weight and I’m about 20lbs off the mark, I don’t intend to get that fat again and it doesn’t make sense to me to keep enforcing eating habits that got me in trouble to begin with.

/r/xxketo Thread