What made you ghost a friend?

Uhh my mom's not super healthy. I don't go near her period for the most part and she's super anti drinking and drugs and everything. I honestly didn't even think about forgiving her or even realize how fucked up the situation was til one of my friends pointed it out tbh. Didn't ever hold a grudge. After I was out, my wallet and everything was still up in her place, and back then Uber and shit didn't exist so you NEEDED method of payment then and there to pay for taxis. Luckily the person I ran into earlier was willing to put me up for the night, because it was dead winter and -20 so sleeping in my car wasn't an option. The shit thing was, I drank and drove to get there, and didn't remember doing it, so I was more pissed at myself for driving the 6-7 min trip than I was at her for throwing me out. Once I realized how fucked up it was, I wasn't upset, because it ended up being a really awesome night, but honestly lol could've went way worse.

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