What mild injustice was done to you as a child that you are still mad about?

In elementary school, we used to have these days once every few months where you could go and learn a new skill or play an organized game. There would be people with stands set up where you could learn how to create origami, magic tricks, and all sorts of other fun things. It was without a doubt, the funnest days of the entire school year. It only lasted for an hour or two so you had to pick what you wanted to do very closely. This particular time, I was really into Juggling so I went fourth to find the juggling guy. I couldn't find him right away and my little brain started to panic. I asked a kid walking by where the juggling guy was, and he told me he was in the classroom right next to where we were. Blindly trusting him, I got into the line and waited. And waited.

I finally got inside after what felt like an eternity, and got into a seat with a class full of other kids. I didn't see any balls around me, and I panicked again. I raised my hand and asked the teacher when we would get our juggling balls and thats when he dropped the bombshell, "this isn't the juggling class, this is the class where we learn to whistle in different ways!" First, fuck whistling. who the fuck needs a class to learn how to whistle? I got up and ran out of that class. I asked a teacher where the juggling class was and he told me where to go. As you may have guessed, I got to the juggling class a few minutes after they started the last lesson, and I never got a chance to learn how to juggle.

That was the last free learning day we ever had. I never learned how to juggle, or whistle for that matter, and i've been slightly pissed about it ever since. Every time I see someone juggling on the streets, I think back on what could have been, if only I had the chance to learn.

/r/AskReddit Thread