What miracle have you witnessed?

I don't know if I can fit all of my disgust into a single post, but I'll try.

So, this past half century, political campaigns have been both won and defeated by demonstrating your tough commitment to the ever-ongoing, never-closer to winning, "War on Drugs" the soundbite du jour par excellence', a entirely bottomless money pit that opened up near in the ground based entirely on an unresearched single solution to a bigger problem. But who gives a fuck, its a vote magnet.

Since the internet in the 90s, we've been able to piece together what we've been exposed to since the 80s. Which has allowing us to see the greater outline of the anti-drug propaganda...

'DARE' - which was not only entirely ineffecultimately stands now as a sad reminder of a poorly missed opportunity to teach - it even had the added benefit of being the first of its kind - able to directly reach kids at home and at school and make a real potential difference (before it all came down to advertising and kids could spot that distinctive 'after-school special' and switch off. It was something so monumentally serious and yet it screwed just about every opportunity it had, it set out to TELL, not DISCUSS issues surrounding drugs and in doing so, alienated everyone. It's also been argued that adding a sphere of intregiue meant people were interested to try something that they were clearly being lief to about. One joint won't kill you, get you addicted or cause you to fail everything you touch - your parents probably even tried to give you a few 'turning adult' talks growing up and one of them may have been about drugs.

My dad was a successful, platinum selling cicuit business owner tat had tried a few things (said my mum one day during a 'talk') Little did I know how much weed they actually used to smoke. Still, that's behind me and behind them.

So, the major issue I have is that all DARE or anti-drug messages always say the same thing. That there is black and white and good and evil and drugs are wrong. You'll never enjoy yourself, death will always be on your mon

Telling you that you could have a 'bad trip bro!' really just paints the entireits spectrum of drug experiences as binary - positive or negative (and they NEVER offer anything useful other than fear.. ) Some drug experiences are more conscious expanding / teaching, than a love-in.

I have learned many interesting things about my body through the so-called 'bad trip'. The way hearing is processed, the hierarchy of vision - all sorts of fascinating miracles have occurredand se. For example, being inside the machine as its working - heck, BEING the machine as it is working, looking at yourself from the inside out. Talk about meta!

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