What was the most awkward moment in your life that you still feel ashamed about?

I have lived a super embarrassing life, so I'm just going to list a bunch of them for you:

  • Pretending I was actually from America (I'm British) and speaking with an accent for a week.

  • Forcing my friends to call me my "goth" name.

  • Pretending to talk to people on my cell in public places.

  • Made up a friend so I would seem popular, when asked for his name I couldn't come up with anything.

  • Had a boyfriend cheat on me, went to his place drunk and begged him to take me back, vomited all over the train on the way home in front of a bunch of strangers. I got smashed and threw up in public MANY times.

  • I used to pretend I was a stripper to get people to buy me drinks.

  • Played hooky, had nobody to hang out with, walked around the neighborhood by myself all day, was seen by some friends of a friend, made up a story about how I was waiting for some pot. Nobody believed it.

  • Smashed, hitting on some dude while my boyfriend was right next to me.

  • Was absolutely convinced that some friends were being mean when they introduced me to their friend "Helen". I was like, why are they calling you Helen? Why are you calling him Helen? This went on for a good ten minutes. What I thought was a boy was actually a girl with a very short haircut.

  • When my friend called me out in front of this really good looking dude for acting like a dick to impress said good looking dude.

  • Threatened to gouge a girl's eyes for being friends with my boyfriend. (This one makes me cringe so hard.)

I have so many, I'll update as I remember them.

The upside to all of this is that I'm now a sober adult, mostly normal, and my friends actually exist :)

/r/AskReddit Thread