What do you think is the most harmful idea currently taught to boys?

First off, thanks for not responding like a total dickhead and being unreasonable. And for at least recognizing there are elements of my opinion that are valid.

I do agree that race equality and gender equality are different, the consequences of inequality are different, but in spirit they are the same. Especially the way you must go about obtaining equality.

they weren't told they were better than white people for it

I don't think that "Girl power!" means you're more powerful than men. I think the message is that as a female, you are powerful AS WELL and have value. The message can mean different things to different people.

Girls are the (slight) majority, so how are claims of superiority justified in the name of "equality?"

I don't support claims of superiority. I think women who do that get sucked in and are hurting the cause more than supporting it. But I think it's really unfair to judge (and therefore not support) feminism as a whole because of people who are assholes. You should support male/female equality regardless of the assholes. Regardless of who has the majority. Regardless of anything. Just because some supporters are extremists or assholes does not negate the goal of the entire campaign or movement.

Finally, the history of black people still affects them while the effect on girls isn't as lasting

There will almost always be a 50/50-ish split of men and women. Just because gender is not always passed down does not mean there is still not going to be mistreatment to around 50% of the population unless things change.

It's easier to change the bias surrounding gender because it's truly equal opportunity, whereas blacks are more likely to be of lower socioeconomic class due to the misfortune of their ancestors and the current generation not having the same financial backing as their white peers.

I agree with all of this. Like I said above, being a woman is not the same as being black and I'm not meaning to say they're the same. I'm just comparing them in the fact that the majority of men in here would completely agree there should be race equality, but all of them seem to deny that there is gender equality and I think a lot of that has to do with their perspective...they don't see it because they're MEN. So of course they don't think it's important or happening as often as it actually it.

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