What is the most painful way to be broken up with?

When it actually isn't technically a break-up so you somehow can't really be mad at them but at the same time you want to be furious at them...   We where already broken up since February and after some months of no contact we encountered each other again and most of the issues causing us to break-up; - her trauma which caused her to be anxious around literally everyone as therapy only increased her anxiety, - me giving her too much space to work on her trauma unintentionally causing her to feel as if she was the only one with an issue to fix and thus increasing the pressure on her, - me trying to hold on to our relationship too tight whilst knowing we both needed time for ourselves to overcome our personal challenges in which we couldn't help each other, this mainly because she always made clear she had one rule: when a relationship is over it is over.   had been overcome, her therapy worked wonders as she didn't felt the pressure that she would waste my time by not being able to be what would be considered a "normal" girlfriend for me, i never felt that way but that thought/feeling she couldn't get out of her head.   We clicked as never before and we both felt that we where tailor made for each other and having overcome our obstacles started thinking about our future together agreeing that there was only one obstacle still holding us back: Her dad...  

/r/BreakUps Thread