What is one situation in which you’ve felt completely helpless?

My Mom has always been an extremely paranoid woman, but she lost her fuckin marbles when Obama was elected. She turned into one of those people you assume is a Russian bot on Twitter. She dove deep into Alex Jones conspiracies (way back before he was mega famous) and she’s just the worst of the worst type of conservative. Loud mouth, chain smoking, white trash, poor, obese, and died of sepsis due to complications from the diabetes she didn’t treat because she didn’t work and was too broke to afford insurance and she “sure as shit wasn’t about to get that fuckin Obamacare!” She shunned my gay sister, she had paranoia about my Marine ex husband being involved in ???Jade Helm??? and thought he was going to come knocking her door down to take her gunzzzzz. My relationship with her was always tough, she possessed zero ability to listen to logic and if you presented her undeniable evidence, the government was to blame and everyone is in on it. For this reason I cut off all contact with her around 2014. I reconnected with her about a year ago and she died a few months ago. I literally don’t even notice she’s gone, it’s blissful!

/r/AskReddit Thread