What do other people have difficulty with that you just don't understand why?

Sorry to hear that. I don't have quite the type of horror story, just that I was terrified of needles but had to get a lot of them so my fear went away.

I had severe acne as a kid. This resulted in two things: one, I was put on isotretinoin (Accutane); and two, I had a bad habit of picking at pimples and scabs, so I have keloid scars on my chest, back, and shoulders (thankfully nothing that shows up if I'm wearing a shirt). For the Accutane, I had to get regular blood tests, so I went from dreading them to finding it kind of interesting how my blood gushed up into the collection tube. For the scarring, I got cortisone injections, so I had regular appointments where I got stuck with needles a lot.

The most uncomfortable were dental injections. We went to a local dental college. You know what's worse than going to the dentist? Going to someone who wants to be a dentist. Not that I was in any danger, but they weren't pros yet. You know what's worse than that, though? Having a dental procedure while people are explaining exactly what's happening to observers.

I had to get fillings, which required novocaine injections. I was fine with needle, but not in my gums. Also, as it happens, if you don't hit the nerve with the needle, you don't get numb.

So aside from the fact that my proto-dentist asks if I'm numb yet—How can I tell? I don't usually feel my teeth—I didn't know until I felt the drilling. Another time, she had multiple misses and had to call over her teacher because, at a certain point, you can't just keep pumping novocaine into someone. He handles it, and while doing so, tells her where to aim the needle and, best of all, mentions that you push the very long needle I was dreading deep into the gums, pretty much until it's nearly all the way in.

So... yeah, I'm pretty much over needles at this point. :p

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