What is the quickest way you've seen someone fuck their life up?

Story time. This is so true.

I got a DUI a long time ago and was basically given probation (PreTrial intervention program for first time offenders). I had a probation officer and the whole deal. So it was actually a miracle I got into this program. After going to court for 2 years trying to get into it they randomly let me in one Monday and sent me straight to the probation officer to get "signed up". When I was there they gave me a drug test as part of entering probation program. I had smoked a week before but I pass. So all goes well, I'm paying $500 a month for an ankle bracelet, $300 a month for my car interlock (all part of the program its actually pretty extreme) $2000 a month for DUI classes (4 hours a day 5 days a week), $100 to the probation offices, and volunteering 10 hours ever Saturday. This goes on for 6 months and then when I'm about a week away from being done with it all and having my record cleared and the DUI dropped parole officer calls me in and says I failed the first drug test and I'm out of the program. I asked her why didn't she tell me this 6 months ago before I wasted thousands of dollars and she said she thought it would be a good lesson. Fuck her.

Also as part of this program they make you sign a confession of guilt so that if you go back to court after fail they can railroad you if you go to trial. Was so furious I went to trial anyways. They threw the entire case out because of lack of evidence before we even showed up in court that day. Just got a phone call. My lawyer says thats probably why they let me in the PreTrial intervention to begin with... bc they knew they had no case.

What a clusterfuck that whole ordeal was. Never been in trouble before or since though.

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