What is the reason that people stare at other people ?

I’ve had old people stare at me a bunch of times in life, like as old enough as my grandparents type of old.

A few months ago I was at a car dealership for an oil change sitting in the lobby scrolling on my phone and an old man was no more than a foot or so to my left sitting down as well and he was blatantly staring directly at me for a cool 2-3 minutes! Like dead on staring right into my soul and I could see and feel him staring from the corner of my eye. Initially I didn’t think much of it because I assumed he’d stop staring but he didn’t until I glanced over to my left directly at him for a few seconds because his staring made me uncomfortable.

I’ve heard that old people sometimes do it to reminisce on their youth, or because they might be curious about the younger generation etc but IMO at a certain point such staring just makes someone uncomfortable.

/r/AskReddit Thread