What`s the biggest difference between the internet 10 years ago and the internet today?

As far as Reddit is concerned, I’ve been on this site for longer than most people, and I have to say that even though Reddit before we went normie was cringe, and full of neckbeard libertarians (I remember in 2012 when r/politics was ALL IN for Ron Paul), at least the discourse was generally interesting.

Now it feels like every sub is full of 15 year old marvel fans all trying to out-Whedon each other’s dialogue. Back in the day, most subs used to have pretty interesting discussions, r/askreddit, while it always had hornyposting, there’d usually be some pretty interesting comments there

The change is due to the monopolization of the internet, the site going corporate, the 2016 election, and I have a theory that the extra woke tumblrites came over after tumblr banned porn

/r/redscarepod Thread