What’s the cringiest thing you’ve heard someone with zero self awareness say about themselves?

From someone that was wearing the same sweater, shoes, and jeans for the last 3 years, swears that android is better than Apple products while sporting what I believe is one of the freebie phones from carriers (a J9 I think, not even a S9/Note9), and this massive cheap Acer laptop that sounds like it’s about to launch out the room every time it boots.

I was wearing some exclusive merch I got from ComplexCon, and this acquaintance asked for whereabouts on my sweater since it looked unique and had to explain to him what ComplexCon was. I explained to him that it’s where I got it and that ComplexCon was a streetwear/ hype beast/ shoe culture / hip hop culture business convention with a concert and open to public for a chance at some limited exclusive releases and there’s brands like Nike, Adidas, Supreme, Kith etc there.

I said my sweater was only $100 (which is reasonable for this kind of thing) and the guy says the whole thing sounds ridiculous and that he just cares about “quality and cheap” clothes. I could’ve roasted him but I just smh and let him live in H&M/ hand me downs land.

TLDR; guy has no idea what quality is and is extremely frugal, brags about caring for quality clothes

Dude couldn’t even afford to get a $30 mini computer for our robotics classes smh ugh, I have no problem if you’re smart with your cash but stay in your lane boy

/r/AskReddit Thread