What’s the weirdest thing a woman has told you means “you’re not a real man”?

Here's one that the ladies browsing might sympathize with.

I told my coworker (CW) I didn't want to have kids.
CW: "What if she (my girlfriend at the time) wants them?"
Me: "She doesn't yet, but if she changes her mind then we can talk about it again at that point."
CW: "Well what if you two disagree?"
Me: "Then she can find someone who does want kids?"
CW: "What, are you afraid of being a father?"
I'm pretty confused and irritated at this point.
Me: "What?"
CW: "It sounds like you couldn't handle the responsibility of being a father."
I'm stunned by the audacity of this asshole.
CW: "A real man would step up and take responsibility."

Luckily I got pulled away, because that was very quickly turning into an argument.

/r/AskMen Thread