What’s the worst scandal to happen at your school?

My Middle School’s music teacher was arrested for sexually abusing 2 children irl and over 10 cases of it online.All the students always really liked him bit I always found him kind of creepy. Me and my friends would joke about all the dumb pretty girls doing favors for him as a joke, until it became to real. Initially the only victims known were outside the school, until many of the students came forward with their stories now that they felt safe to do so. He is currently under house arrest and his trial to determine his prison time hasn’t happened yet despite him being arrested over 2 years ago. I remember his best teacher friend was just really shook, and he wasn’t the same for the rest of the year before quitting. He cried multiple times in class. Just another good reminder that you never truly know someone no matter how close you are. I hope his ass stays in jail for a long time

/r/AskReddit Thread