What secret could ruin your life if it got out?

My partner is the main reason I no longer sleep at night. They snore so loud that i am forced to stay awake till he gets up in the morning. Im always exhausted and i can tell they dont approve of my sleeping in all the time. Ive used ear plugs to the point im having pains in my ears from using it four years straight. Ive tried strips on his nkse but it doesnt work and they arent actively trying to fix it. Granted, i love them too much to tell them how awful it truly is. Ive told them i cant couldnt sleep some nights, but not thaf its every night we share a bed together. Ive woken them up to tell them they are snoring very loud, but not enough as i dont want to ruin their sleep. Its so bad, that im starting to get to my limit as all the sleepless nights catch up to me

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