What is a secret opinion you have, that if said outloud, would make you sound like a prick?

What do you think is right about it and why the heck are you calling people white-knight? You know who tends to be attracted to red pill BS? Insecure men. Stop with the insults.

Now that's out of the way, I do agree with you to a certain extent. I personally have used the methods many of them are trying to promote and I also used to do this when those who do this sort of stuff were mainly called PUA (I’ve been out for some time now so idk what they are called anymore). One of the main thing the PUA community have done is put a name to many psychological ways of persuasion. Surprise surprise, red pill shit is actually old. They do, however, work. They also mainly work on girls who have issues. For example, would someone educated and confident be affected by what we in the PUA community are doing? Most likely not. This is one of the things that many men don’t pay attention to or ignore- not everything we do will work on women. Now, if you shit on women (figurative shit) at a bar or club and it worked on her, would the same fuckery work with someone at, say, a museum? Most likely not. Chances are, girls who go to bars and clubs don’t dabble much with the arts. What about someone studying to be a doctor? Once again, it might, but it most likely won’t. Another thing that those in the PUA community don’t really touch is the amount of education a woman has. The higher someone’s education and self-esteem is, the less chance our methods would work on them. This is also why negging works, because you are bringing someone’s self-esteem down. Someone with high self-esteem would find it annoying and maybe even offensive if you do this shit on them.

Now, why am I calling you out here even though I agree with you? One of the main thing that those in the PUA community wants you to do is, if you don’t have the confidence yet, to fake it til you make it. However, once you start seeing the effect of what we do, many men gets stuck in their fucked up ways and make the mistake of their not-giving-a-shit attitude for confidence. One of the main goals in doing PUA shit is to be a man in control of his life in the arena concerning women. However, many men who dabble in this shit becomes obsessed with getting sex that they forget the other person is an actual human being. And as I have said above, many who are attracted to this shit have issues themselves that when they become good at it, they are still assholes (nothing’s changed!). If you surround yourself with such company, you would still be in the company of assholes except this time, you do get laid once in a while. Another thing that the PUA community doesn’t really concentrate is the long game. You’ll get laid, sure, but what happens after that? Would the woman stay? Red pill/PUA shit doesn’t solve the issue of finding a responsible partner.

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