Hey Reddit, my little brother found a broken electric scooter at a yard sale. He wanted to get it working so he asked my mom to take him to the mechanic's to get it fixed. They spent 45 minutes working on it for him, free of charge.

My mom was essentially a trophy wife for my dad and would literally suck a dick of any guy anywhere and we would get priority/discounts/ or free shit all the time.

For example any mechanical issue we've had with all of our vehicles has been fixed for free because the mechanic gets his dick sucked by her.

She convinced the owner of our local health and fitness hotel to give me and my friends 2 rooms for free for the night because she sucked his dick in high school. She's a great bj artist.

Pretty much any line anywhere we got to the front. Any team or sport that was full already, we got a spot. Any tickets for any event or concert that was full, just call mom she knows someone who's dick she sucked.

I've gotten out of so many tickets because, and I'm not exaggerating, every officer who looks at my license says "Are you X's son?" I say yes and they go 'tell her I said thanks for the bj' and let me go.

When I was 16 I got pulled over and the cop saw a bottle of rum I forgot I had in the back. He told me that I could go go jail and/pay $500 fine for having that...then after a pause said but I'm just going to call your parents and tell them what you did. And what did the officer end up doing? Messages my mom on facebook saying "Hey I pulled over your son Atruen the other day". She never responded.

Before you sickos ask, no sexual favors involved, just bjs. I've seen her work her magic, she's a god damn genius when it comes to manipulating guys. And when I talk to the guys I can easily tell they have an obsession with my mother and follow her every word.

Every single person in my large town knows her, she's like a local pornstar.

Her trick is making them think they have a chance and that possibly doing this "one last favor" will seal the deal.

She literally only sucks the dick of a guy when she wants something

/r/pics Thread Link - i.imgur.com