What song that tells a good story that ISN'T about a break up?

Uneven Compromise aka )))____◎◎◎◎█████ by Lil Ugly Mane. the first half can be interpreted in different ways, some would argue it displays the nihilistic and almost satanistic viewpoint of the character portrayed in the second half, in which LUM tells the story of a old friend who fell victim to a dark path of addiction.

following on to the above, Stoop Lights and Haze Of Interference by Bedwetter (real name Travis Miller, he's the same guy behind Lil Ugly Mane). both of these songs have a really incredible display of mental illness, personally the best and most relatable i have ever seen in any form of media, particularily in Haze Of Interference. the whole album (Vol. 1: Flick Your Tongue Against Your Teeth And Describe The Present) is a masterpiece imo.

moving away from hiphop there is Earthmover by Have A Nice Life, this tells the story of earth destroying golems smashing the shit out of everything everything they can, with no purpose to their life, causing them to become tired, distressed and ultimately suicidal, despite their lack of ability to die. Deathconciousness is another great album that you should definitely listen to, and one of the few i would classify as perfect in my opinion.

finally if you have 2 hours to spare, The Seer (album) by Swans. although this doesnt tell a direct story it does have a very atmospheric...... atmosphere to it. i have heard it once described as a satanic ritual which i can see. this is one to be interpreted by the listener though.

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