What is the story behind your reddit account's name?

Short answer: for shits and giggles.

Long answer: I was a bully in school and used to fuck with nerds for the lols BUT I had some strict rules and boundaries set that I wouldn't ever cross;

  • I will only bully the "over-smart" and "try hard" nerds who act like cuntbags. You know the type of fucks who would remind teacher about the homework or test at the very last moment of class not because the teacher told them to or they loved tests and stuff but because they wanted to act smart and shit.

  • I will never ever bully the innocent nerds who just study and do their own thing without disturbing or fucking with anyone else,

  • I will never ever bully someone with mental and/or physical disabilities.

  • I won't ever bully someone for things they can't control, like there height, physical appearance, voice and stuff like that. (behind fat or dressing like a cuck doesn't counts as things you can't change)

  • If you insist me to bully someone and/or against my rules, you will get bullied

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent