What I tell myself to cope...

I just try to look at the positives in my life even if they are just little things. Like I’m lucky because I do have my family (even though they annoy me in so many ways) but at least I know that they will help me if I ask for it. I also know that I am lucky to have my job despite the fact that it’s a minimal wage, dead end retail job that I truly despise with all my heart. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have no family and I still remember how much I struggled before I finally got this job. I also try to look at how much I’ve developed in the last five years or so and look at the smaller milestones that I have achieved in life. Like paying of my car etc. I still have a lot of down days though because this kind of life isn’t easy and it’s hard to relate to others that literally have everything that I want.

/r/FA30plus Thread