Here is why I am an FA, what about you?

Looks: From a very young age I have always been told that I am ugly, creepy looking, rapist looking, school shooter looking etc etc .. I have also put on a lot of weight due to the years I spent binge drinking.

I have started exercising recently with the long term goal of losing 50 pds by May 2023. I'm not sure about what I can do about my face however. I will think more about it once the weight is lost and I can more fully assess how I look.

Personality: I wouldn't exactly call myself reserved. I have no issues talking to people a little and listening to them a lot. Hopefully I can find something out during our conversations that I can help you with and be of service to you in some way. If I can guide our conversation correctly I will have told you nothing to very little about me at all.

I am not altruistic, I just want to be useful to a group enough so that I won't be cast aside or ostracized.

Beyond that, I'm a bit leery of even describing my personality at all since I am only really feeling emotions at all for the first time in quite a while. I have distracted myself with so many different things over the years or focused on specific goals so much that I really don't know who I am. I think I learned very early in life it doesn't matter what you are feeling, no one cares so get on with it, go find something else to occupy yourself. Work a double shiftp

/r/FA30plus Thread