What was the turning point in your "I'll start tomorrow" lifestyle.

M motivation for re-starting keto for me was two fold: to lose weight and to control a seizure like disorder that I have that does not respond well to the drugs my neurologist has me on.

I'd done a form of very, very lazy keto a couple of years ago. I was unprepared for the social issues of eating with friends and family, and I'm not a very good cook so I often cheated. But I did firmly believe this was the diet that would be good for me eventually when I chose to start it.

In February, I saw my body weight was higher than it had been in a long time and my %body fat was to a point I'd never seen (44% or so). I was going to start on April 1 of this year. I had read up on things. Gone shopping for food and snacks. I'd been weighing myself to develop a nice trend line. I was going to eat off the high carb food I had around because I like to think of myself as frugal and I thought I'd miss it less if I ate through it rather than just toss it.

On March 24, I realized that my start date was just over a week away and I started questioning whether I would really start or not. That day I realized that the evidence was that I would not. If this really was the healthy thing for me to do, I needed to start this now... and I did.

I threw out the remaining high carb food. A friend gave me a big bag of M&M's for easter I asked him to give to his sister instead. I stopped making the excuses.

It has been successful on the weight and fat loss goals (down 35lbs and about 14% body fat). Bordering on onederland.

My seizure disorder is still not in control. This has possibly reduced their severity, but I've had two significant ones since being on the diet. I'm only now approaching 3 months on the diet without knowingly cheating, so perhaps now my body will be keto-adapted enough to make a difference. Or it may be my meds, stress, or a million other factors.

tl;dr: setting a deadline to start something I believed was the right thing to do was my way of delaying. I realized if I was going to start, and I was essentially ready, I had no rational excuse not to.

/r/keto Thread