What is the weirdest dream you have had??

Dont dream often now really due to smoking I think. But when I was on holiday I had an epic zombie dream. Which part way through became semi lucid.

Im in bed gfs watching the news kinda while blow drying her hair. I hear the news readers tone and wake. I ask how long this has been on and she shrugs and says a couple hours. I rush to get out and into the car. I was trying to get supplies when my car is struck outside the store a few miles in the commotion and written off. But its ok because we spot friends (me and gf) we split in the store to get supplies me food. Gf water. Except she comes back with flowers. God damn it! Z'S are outside you hear the commotiom rise. We have to leave now. But the gfs run over to the magazine stall. I tow her out of there and we hop into my friends car. In fight people to get to and into the car ive ended up driving. The cars packed were all in it like 5 or 7 of or somthing. We make it out of the carpark by running over a few victims except the added wieght combined with body punctures a tire but we drive on....loudly. we reach the dual carrigeway with carnage either side of the road to see see traffic and people running everydirection. We smash down the hard shoulder until we are just spinning on the broken wheel. Im first out of the car and no1 seems to care about hoard of zombies following our broken hissing car (fuck knows how it got so trash, mustve been a bug). At this point I realised I was dreaming as noone was taking it seriously and I was until then fighting for my life. I Then picked up a branch from a tree and ran screaming into the zombies. A long fight sequence then ensued in which previously useless girlfriend joined in the mass decapitations going on. We lost a friend or two in the process, but was only the guy in the red shirt so you know... ehhh what you gona do. Work up to gf in real life saying "hey bubba" pretty much while fighting. Was so epic I wanted to go back but couldnt. I then made myself recite the story to her so Id remember it. She lol'd at the flowers bit.

Tldr: zombie apoc. Went shopping. Gf was useless and took flowers for supplies. Got a flat and realised I was immortal because I was dreaming.

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