What do you wish you could brag about, but stigma or a sense of propriety stops you?

ok, well it was during my tumblr days, in i believe my junior year of high school. maybe sophomore, I'm not sure. I was kind of depressed at the time, as well as having an eating disorder, and so I was following a lot of people who posted about self-harm/eating disorders/depression/suicide etc. and three or four of them were people I knew in real life. we didn't speak much about things that happened on tumblr, we would sometimes share our feelings if we needed support but we never called each other out or talked about the things we saw/read, we wanted to keep it a safe space. so one day I was scrolling along and saw a post reblogged (by someone I didn't know). it was a gif made up of a few pictures of a girl's palm, going from full of pills (a combination of pills, I wasn't familiar with most of them but I did see a ton of Advil and at least two Vicodin) to empty. Scrolling down I saw that it was posted by one of the people I knew in real life. There was text added, something about how easy it had been to take all of them, she just "kept popping them like m&m's" and was washing it down with a bottle of wine she'd stolen from her parents. So my first instinct was to message her, and ask if it was real. She avoided most of my questions, but thanked me for my concern. After talking for a bit, trying to figure out what was up and see if she was okay, she started misspelling her words and then finally said she had to go because the pills were kicking in and she was getting sleepy. At which point I was like okay, I can't sit here and do nothing about this. So first I called one of our mutual friends (also part of the tumblr community) and asked if she knew the girl's family, address, home phone, anything. Didn't tell her why. Safe space, and all that jazz. I ended up having to call like three other people before someone gave me her address and her sister's phone number. At which point I called 911 and gave them what I knew. This girl didn't speak to me for at least two months after that, but from the little I heard, she had to spend some time in the hospital. Idk like I am still not 100% sure I did anything, maybe she was fine and this was all unnecessary, but what I did do was essentially pull myself out of a lot of the depressive and self-harming thoughts I had been having. This came about a year after losing a friend to suicide as well, so this was kind of the final straw that made me be like "okay, no, now I have to help myself, because who knows how far this could go." and now I am mostly rid of that part of my life. I dunno. I hope I did something. Even if I didn't, I couldn't have just let that sit, you know?

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