What works better a bottle with gas aka molotov cocktail or one with nepalm that you can make at home?

What's your thought process here?

Are you expecting everyone to be all, "Hell yeah, show them!" Like the is some online first person? Are you wanting people to be like, "Oh no, please withold your vengeance!" Are you expecting people to overlook you like threat and be like, "oh no, not your kitty."

Are you the kind of person tht at plays games and let's them confuse about the vagaries of life? Are you some cowardly pissant that is pretending to be a hero in their head?

Maybe your just some young kid with the narcissist delusions of untapped power. That's a pretty common situation.

So what's your deal and don't tell me about your missing cat. Even if they hung the damn carcass up where you could see it there are ways of dealing with that more effective. And real power is being able to effectively and efficiently affect your environment with losing said power.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent