What would you tell people that blame victims of bullying?

I am the op, and it sounds like you're making assumptions.

I am a brown-skinned woman and not a black "he." The term non-white doesn't mean that you are black. You bring up verbal and emotional abuse. I was sexually abused and emotionally abused at home, and bullied at school too.

Having baggage and experiencing changes in brain chemistry is documented in studies, as a result of bullying. . The bullied brain can look very similar to the brain to a child that has had sexual and emotional abuse. If a child doesn't get help, she/he is more likely to suffer as an adult.

I currently work loving and compassionate people. Guess what? Those loving and compassionate people experience anger like anyone else. All of my co-workers, who are empathic people working for women's rights, hate Donald trump. Does that make them less compassionate? No. People have the right to feel angry. Allowing yourself to feel angry is a part of healing from abuse and bullying. I wouldn't fault like any of my clients for feeling angry at their bullies of abusers. Their feelings are valid.

Your feedback is appreciated, but it's not resonating with me. Especially when there is evidence to suggest otherwise.

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