What is your brutally honest opinion?

Fuck anyone who says someone is ugly, yeah they may look ugly to you, but everyone has different ideas of what beauty is, you can call someone ugly by your standards but keep it to yourself, and if you decide to put that person down instead, fuck you to hell.

For instance, some people like toothpick looking girls who are cheerleaders and are generally defined as “hot”

Others like plumper girls, not fat, but not skinny, in what can only be defined as the sweet spot where beauty and cuteness combine to create their definition of perfect.

Some people prefer a large muscular dude, with abs who can lift a ridiculous amount of weights without complaining, but they also want him to be sweet and extremely caring and sensitive

Other prefer a slender lanky dude who’s just all around a decent person.. normally, but his lack in physical shit is made up by personality. (Not saying the buff guy can’t be a good person I’m just terrible at naming things about dudes.)

Beauty has a different definition for everyone, perfection is different for everyone. Just find the person that fits that standard, maybe you’ll hit it off and they’ll happen to like your body too.

My girlfriend is my definition of perfect, she hates her body and I can’t convince her otherwise because beauty is different for everyone, and she doesn’t think that she’s beautiful. I think she’s wonderful, and I’d never even think about changing her even if I was given the chance. She’s got the perfect body, the perfect personality all of it, yet I’m aware that’s other people might not feel that way, but what does it matter? She’s beautiful to me and if we end up together she doesn’t need to worry about how she appears to anyone else because at all times I’m beside her admiring her face for the pure unrivaled beauty that it is.

So my main point:

You can think whatever you want about a person, say whatever you want to your friends, but fuck you the moment you decide to say it to their face, that can destroy a person if you say it often, it can tear them down and completely shatter any confidence they had, but you think it’s justified because you are 100% sure they your definition of beauty is 100% the only one. Fuck you.

/r/AskReddit Thread