What was your 'I don't get paid enough for this' moment at work?

I babysat two kids during summer break. We went to the park and one of them took off their shoes and started to run barefoot on the freshly watered grass. I had to pick her up, carry her home, change her dirty dress and wash her feet. She promised me she wouldn't do it again. Five mins later, we go back, I take my phone out and when I look up THERE SHE WAS AGAIN RUNNING BAREFOOT ON MUD.

Another day I told them to dress up so we could go for a walk and I hear them screaming like crazy. I run to their room thinking they were hurt but it was way worse. They point to a 2 inch spider crawling down the window while they hug me. (I have a huge fear of insects). We spent a good 5 minutes arguing over who should kill it. Guess who ended up taking a broom and throwing it out. Yup.

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