What is your most awkward date and/or sexual experience?

This guy at my college bar said hi to me and told me he liked that I didn't look thrilled to be there, as in, I looked like I was above the silly fun everyone else was having. (BIG RED FLAG #1) He was otherwise cute and charming though. He was the editor of a big student political newspaper and was charismatic and intelligent. He tried to kiss me at the end of the night and I said no. He told me he liked that too (#2).

We went on a hike in a local nature preserve that week. We were getting along but he told me that he felt like he was above our fellow college students sometimes, that he didn't fit in but that this was a good thing- he just knew more about the world and about what was important (#3).

At the end of the date he kissed me, which I liked at first, until he held on to my head too hard and forced my face against his, kissing me until I couldn't breath (STRIKE OUT).

When he texted me to hang out again, I said no. He begged me over text to tell him why and I said he'd been too forceful, and of course he insulted me for something in response.

Two weeks later, I received an anonymous email with a link to his private blog. The blog talked about his hookups and about how he hated girls for giving it up easily- specifically mentioning people by name. He was obviously delusional- he said stuff about grinding sluts at bars and about a girlfriend, who, once she was comfortably sexually with him, became gross and easy to him. I had a panic attack, thinking I was mentioned or that someone was harassing me, until I realized that the rest of the junior class also received the email. The anonymous person was a guy who had a personal vendetta against my date and his political views. I said WTF repeatedly for several weeks and then mostly forgot about it.

/r/AskWomen Thread