What was your ‘oh shit’ moment when you realized you shouldn’t had broke up with your ex S.O.?

Even though I'm happy with my current S.O., I do miss the bond I had with my ex sometimes. With both of us being so anxious and shy, and how we were both shut-ins, I felt like I had someone who understood me. But that stuff eventually wears you down. When we both started to understand ourselves I noticed myself growing away from her. Despite that I do miss that feel of a common background. Not having to explain why you do what you do. But it's for the best.

Something else I regret is what I said during the breakup. She said hurtful things to me. Really hurtful. She stabbed and twisted the blade. And I got scared, so I did the same thing back to her. I really wish I didn't. But it is what it is

/r/AskReddit Thread