What is your unpopular Overwatch opinion?

Okay, I outlined why calling things by their correct names is important - like you can call a bird a "cat" if you want, but it's gonna be a huge surprise if your newly purchased "cat" turns out to have wings and squawks. Similarly, DotA is not a MOBA, it is not focused on empowering single units and clashing with them, it is focused on finding team synergies to achieve strategic goals. You don't switch units in MOBAs as often as you switch in DotA. Professional League players play their favored unit more than pro DotA players play theirs.

Okay, Google fps loadout. It's like swapping skills out.

Again, as I pointed out, OW is designed so you don't have to swap units if you're skilled enough. SC2 is non-team based, non-FPS, non-objective oriented - it's also only got three races.


It is balanced so that you actually cannot swap your race based on what your opponent is doing.

You mean the option to switch character mid-round is what has you upset? Just play custom games where you can't switch then.

You're not even trying to meet me halfway, man :(

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