Whatever Wednesday

Guys, I need to vent to someone so I don't end up saying something stupid and ending a decade long friendship. I got my friend a job at my company. She was only contracted for a couple of weeks to see how she liked it, opportunity for her to stay on if she wanted. She quit after one day saying that she knew I thought she was useless, when she did great, which I told her REPEATEDLY! I said I was frustrated and she could have communicated instead of assuming I thought she was terrible, but that I'd sort it. I got over it pretty much two days later. I get it, she didn't feel comfortable and I could have forgotten it. But now she's basically saying I don't understand her anxiety and I don't get her as a person and she's disappointed in me for not reacting how she wanted.

Like dude, I'm so aggravated right now. I'm the one who had to lie to my boss to explain the situation and magically find cover. Do I not get to be a little frustrated? Because I'm starting to feel bad but think it might be because of the massive guilt trip I've just been sent on. Help!

/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 Thread