What's been your biggest "Fuck this shit, I'm outta here" moment?

My old boss did something similar. Could be a real bitch sometimes.. But she was one of the higher ups in a company full of tech people and was one of the few women in the office.. so she felt she had to come down with an iron fist I guess to prove herself? Anyways, she always harped on us for documenting our tickets with our customers to be very specific and formal in case she ever needed to check why a customer was pissed off and to prove to a customer we did our due diligence.

One of our customers called us complaining they got a virus because one of our techs (myself) disabled the anti virus on them and left it off. Sure, we are allowed to so long as we ask the customer if we can temporarily disable the firewall on a workstation (NOT a server). So I do so. Now, if you're an IT guy, most if not all will know that when disabling anti virus software, you get the option to disable for 5min, 10min, 15min, until reboot or whatever. So I chose 5min, I didn't need that long, just a quick test. Also if I rebooted before the 5 min, it would have enabled itself on start up anyways. As such I documented all of this thoroughly in my ticket. I did reboot, I did see the AV was back on, I did resolve the problem.

Now, my boss in her infinite wisdom jumped the gun and wanted to drag me into her office to put me on blast with this customer on speaker to see my side of the story. She was asking me questions that were answered very clearly in my ticket. My supervisor didn't stand up for me either. I was on a call for a good 30min while she was talking with the customer so unfortunately (fortunately?) I didn't get dragged into all that. But I basically pointed it out to her via IM that if she'd read my ticket, her questions would have been answered. As nice as the owners were, she was too much to handle.

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