What's the saddest meal you've ever eaten?

My first and only date in my life. Valentines day. I was in love. Never felt like this before or since. I ask her to dinner, and with her knowing full well the extent of my affection for her, she agrees. So I think this is obviously a great sign. Oh boy. I bought her a diamond necklace, not super expensive but enough when combined with the dinner to wipe out all the money I had as a 17 year old. I took her to a nice steakhouse, we're hitting it off amazingly. She asks me to hold her hand while we're waiting for the busy staff to ready a table for us. The food was perfect. She was beautiful. I wasn't a loser that night.

The night ends. I kiss her outside the restaurant. I go home in bliss. I start thinking about how I might have a future with the girl of my dreams.

The next day she tells me she has started dating a mutual friend of ours. He asked her to be his girlfriend the day after our Valentines day date. She tells me she just didn't want me to be lonely on Valentines day but that she never intended for us to be more than friends.

This is from the girl who accepted my Valentines date, and a diamond necklace (she tried the "oh no I can't possibly accept this" and then 2 seconds later it was on her neck and she was glowing) from the guy who had repeatedly told her he was in love with her, and who kissed her at the end of the night.

I've frankly never been the same. That was the moment the "real world" hit me, and I lost my innocence.

I often wonder if I will ever be able to love someone else with that same sort of pure, innocent, lustless love. And then I doubt it. Thanks, Hannah. Thanks a million. Seeing you a few days after our date with your new boyfriend while you were wearing the necklace I gave you is a memory I don't think I'll ever forget.

/r/AskReddit Thread