What's the scariest thing to ever happen to you?

From all that I can remember, when I was roughly around 3/4 years old my parents (at the time) moved into their first house together, my sisters (10) and (6) were always wondering what was up in the attic at this new home, as we were never allowed up there and as far as we knew there was never any way for anybody to get up there. Which was pretty ominous from a young age.

Every now and again, towards midnight, you could constantly here a loud banging noise from up there; almost as if someone was stomping their foot against it heavily. It would happen almost every night for the 2 years that we lived there (divorce and whatnot). Another strange story about the house was my sister; must of been atleast 6 at the time would always sneak 2 biscuits upstairs, when she would only be allowed 1. My mum always asked her "why are you always sneaking biscuits upstairs", and she simply replies "for me and the man in the cowboy boots". And obviously, pretty alerted as a mother would tend to get, she asked "which man in is your room?". So I remember one day she was speaking to this "man" in her room, my mum walked in to find out what the whole deal was and I followed. Turns out that it was a shadow, which would be sat there in the same place almost every night; it's figure was that of a cowboy, the whole hat and boots. He would often move supposedly but it was hard to believe. How could a shadow possibly occur in her room when the only thing which would cause a shadow would be her curtains? Nevertheless the shadow since disappeared when we all intervened. Not really the most creepiest thing but it's always creeped me out, especially as the previous owner had died at an elderly age within the house.

/r/creepy Thread