What's something about yourself that sounds completely made up but is 100% true?

My lifetime injury list (from the ground up).

  1. Crushed the heel on my left foot.
  2. Left ankle clicks when I walk and hurts sometimes.
  3. Left hip has always hurt when I walk uphill.
  4. Bent/fractured lower left rib.
  5. Broken middle left ribs.
  6. Broken and permanently dislocated left thumb.
  7. Ruptured left arm interosseous membrane (connects the forearm bones).
  8. Fractured Ulna bone (forearm, unrelated to 7).
  9. Scar from knife accident on left arm.
  10. Small piece of bone missing from left side of chin.
  11. Left upper front tooth missing.
  12. Broken nose than points to the left.
  13. Scar from possible brain trauma on left side of brain.

No injuries on the right side whatsoever.

/r/AskMen Thread