What's something the majority of Redditors think is fact that is 100% wrong?

I don't agree with all your points, as some things like "6 days of creation" vs. billions of years could be explained by differences of perception in time dilation, but when it comes to some interpretations of Genesis for example (literal v. symbolic) then I'd say well yeah, science can speak to some of that. Prejudice people bring to the table is huge though. If I type Godisnowhere it is completely up to you, not the text, as to whether that's "nowhere" or "now here". And out of all the people who have claimed a miracle in their life (medical or otherwise) you have to say they were all lying/deceived. Every. Damn. One. I'm not arrogant enough to discount all that testimony. Plus I've studied a bit about fulfilled prophecy in the Bible vs. Nostradamus and others..no comparison. But that's going to start a back & forth "ping pong" in a thread like this which I hate getting into. It would take hours and a wall of text. Just suffice it to say if you think all logic and discovery we know is Athiesm:100 to Theism:0 you are nowhere near as smart as you think you may be.

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