What's a statistically proven fact that nobody wants to hear?

That makes sense. I knew a guy who tried to shoot himself, and survived -- he only managed to blow his jaw off, which just made his situation worse. A female family member of mine tried to OD on prescription pills and they wound up in a short-term coma. Hearing numerous cases like this makes one less inclined to rely on the most common methods.

An anesthesiologist that worked with a family member wound up drugging herself on some combination (propofol and something else) that did the job quickly and peacefully while isolated in a staff sleeping room at the hospital.

When I'd (F) contemplated it, I wanted to do it somewhere that I could be found, but not in a place that people would have to deal with it or be emotionally haunted by what happened (i.e., home, car, etc.). I'd wanted something somewhat painless (better chances of finishing the job), effective, and minimally traumatic for whomever found me, which makes for pretty limited/inaccessible options unless you're a practicing anesthesiologist (even a helium hood paired w/ an OD can fail). Then, I started to consider how it'd traumatize my family and loved ones, and I didn't want to make my death part of their life/story/perspective.

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