What's THAT thing that you once said or did, that you still cringe at to this day?

This was five years ago, when I was nineteen. I had just joined the church choir and had a huge huge huuuuge crush on one of the tenors. I was also dealing with a lot of social anxiety and depression at the time, and I tended to deal with my anxiety by drinking as much as I could. Now, this tenor dressed very nicely in jumpers, shirts and scarves that always matches his outfit, and he had a well-spoken high-pitched 'camp' sounding voice. Most people who meet him assume he is gay. I am a straight female so I was curious as to whether my crush would ever be reciprocated (spoiler: it wouldn't) and made it my mission to find out his sexuality. One evening after rehearsal, a load of us went to the pub for some drinks, and I downed a few glasses of wine to cope with having to socialise, and try to ward off any impending panic attacks. I ended up asking him loudly in front of seven or so other people (none of whom were drunk as it was a Wednesday evening), 'Are you gay?' He looked a little confused and said 'No. Why?' I responded with 'You have a lot of scarves... One does wonder.'

Five years later and I still cringe about it. We're fairly good friends now but I know he thought I was a drunken idiot for a good while.

/r/AskReddit Thread