What's your best "Don't let crazy stick his dick in you" story?

I'd just moved to a new city for school (I was 20 and completely inexperienced) when this guy in a relationship decided he liked me and wanted to get to know me better. It was weird, but I didn't really know anyone so a new friendship sounded appealing. Anyway, he keeps talking to me over break while he's on vacation with his gf and her family. Weird, right? This keeps happening until, suddenly, he's single and pursuing me not even two weeks after the breakup. I told him to slow his roll, he didn't and two weeks later told me he loved me. We'd known each other for maybe two months by this point. I, again, told him to slow his roll and that I didn't feel that way. Guy got super offended and verbally attacked me for not returning his feelings.

Anyway, he got drunk in my dorm room one night and I couldn't in good conscience let him drive back to his house. He decided to sleep in my bed and I slept on the couch. Woke up the next morning with him nearly suffocating me against his chest in my bed, and I can only assume he carried me there at some point while I was sleeping. Keep in mind that he's still trying to get me to say that I love him back. A week or so after he crashed in my room he asks me to be his gf (I had never been in a relationship before and didn't have many examples of good ones; all my friends were encouraging me to get with this guy and I eventually gave in) he gets drunk in my room again, this time sobering up quickly once we're alone and pinning me to my desk. I told him to stop and let me go, that I wasn't ready for what it seemed like he was gearing up for, that I was a virgin and to stop. He didn't stop, and afterwards (he finished on my back and refused to let me clean up) said that I clearly wasn't a virgin because I hadn't bled. In denial of all this and how little control I had, I stayed with him for almost two years, was stalked at home and at work by him after I dumped him the first time, moved back home, and he's engaged to someone else now and still trying to find ways to get in touch with me.

That's why you trust your gut, kids. Red flags mean something.

/r/AskWomen Thread