What's your personality type? (Whether you're red, blue, purple or other)

I wrote this for a non-pill audience on International Women's Day and I would love to have input from ppd members.

Happy International Women's Day everybody! Bottoms up!

"ON THE INFERIORITY OF WOMEN, PART 1: Who would you call?"

As we are all brainwashed from an early age to think that women are the better, prettier and smarter sex, I know how difficult it is to make people realize that women are inferior in general and especially in important areas.

Unfortunately this propaganda which is telling us that women are better than men is very effective and women are placed on a pedestal over men by most people... consciously or subconsciously.

So I came up with a simple social experiment that everybody can try out for themselves.

I name this experiment: "Who would you call?"

...if you needed help, advice or support with something difficult,complicated,exhausting or dangerous. Think of things that you can't solve with a five minute google search. And for this social experiment, you want to call a friend or acquaintance, not a professional you pay.

So, who would you call if you...:

  • had problems with your computer.
  • wanted to buy a new bike, camera or any other expensive gear and needed someone who really knows their stuff and has a good overview of the market. Someone who has a subscription to relevant magazines and enthusiastically reads them.
  • needed to repair something
  • were in a very difficult situation in life and really needed help. Unfortunately you are someone who has problems asking for emotional and other support. So you need someone who will take initiative after you ask once without having to ask again and again.
  • wanted to learn something new, no matter what that is. A new language, a new instrument, a new skill, a new sport, and you don't know where to start.
  • needed an expert opinion on an important topic, which is currently discussed superficially a lot in media.
  • wanted to launch a project and you need advice, like financial, entrepreneurial and legal advice.
  • needed support that requires courage.
  • wanted to invest money and need advice. Or needed help with taxes.
  • needed support that requires a high amount of readiness to help others. Something that really means efforts for the one you ask and you are uncomfortable asking.
  • wanted to drastically change your body from fat or skinny to really good-looking, not just "getting fit" or "be healthier". You need workout and dietary advice from someone who actually managed to change their own body from terrible to great.
  • [insert possible other things here]

...and you don't want to ask anyone, but someone with advanced skills and/or knowledge.

And you will see that most of the time the person you choose will be a man, not a woman.

Show me a woman who has a subscription to a magazine that helps her get better at xy. No, Cosmopolitan doesn't count. Show me a woman who tries to get better at a skill when she is not obligated, forced or actively encouraged to do so. Why do so many women play an instrument in their youth , but immediately stop when they quit taking lessons. How many men do you know who can say "I learned skill xy autodidactically" and how many women? How many women spent hours, days, weeks, months and years reading online forums to improve their knowledge in an area of expertise. Yeah, I know that we are on reddit. I bet that you will find a lot of women here, who do. But look at the average women you meet at a bar or at the cinema or at a concert or in class or wherever.

Many women are proud that they can do some "typically male" stuff on their own without asking for help. Nice, that's commendable. She can say "Ha, I showed them. A woman can do it, too." But on what level of difficulty is this stuff mostly? If she is honest with herself, she will realize that she can only be proud of it, because she is a woman. "I am proud, I did this on my own, despite being a woman." This confirms the theory on the inferiority of women on two levels. First, she knows that she is an exception to the rule. Second, it's comparably easy stuff, something the average man would laugh about. You looked for a hardware driver, downloaded and installed it. You go, girl! Not bad...for a woman. You changed the tyres on your car? For the win! ...If you are a woman. If not, then: lol! Try getting rid of a persistent virus, setting up a new computer or working on the engine of your car.

If you know me, you could say "well guitars, you know shit about cars. How can you judge others?" They would be right that I suck with car repairs. But that's missing the point. This is not about individual skills, but talking about which sex/gender is more likely to be adressed when you want to find somebody who can help you. I know that if I had to ask someone about problems with my car, it would definitely be a man.

In before someone gets angry: I am not saying "just believe me that women are the inferior sex", but merely asking you to reflect on the question. "Who would you call?" Would it be a man or a woman?

If you can't come up with scenarios, just think back: "Who did I call recently, asking for help? Long ago? Who did help me with difficult stuff? Whose advice and help really brought results? To whom am I really thankful from the bottom of my heart? Who went above and beyond of what you would expect from the level of friendship you two had? WHO IS A REAL EXPERT ON [INSERT ANYTHING]?"

You will probably think of both men and women.

The point is, that most people will find that they can think of much more men than women if they are honest with themselves. If not, try again and think harder. This is not about individual people...but about a generalization you can make by observing. A generalization that says that if you are looking for the BEST in terms of proactivity, helpfulness, intelligence, knowledge, empathy, general education, altruism, courage and most importantly SKILLS...you will most likely find a man and not a woman.

Bonus question you can ask yourself: "Why would somebody call me? For what kind of help was I asked recently? What skills do I have outside of my profession that are on an advanced level?"

If you don't have a good memory or think this is all too theoretical, please open your facebook list of friends and go through it with the two questions: "man or woman?" and "what is he/she really good at?". What do you find out? Which sex has more skills and knowledge on average? Wait, you say that this experiment isn't working because you have more male than female friends in your facebook list? Now,... what could be the reason for that?


"Who would you call?"

Have fun thinking about it, and have a nice International Women's Day!

TL:DR: Ask yourself: "Who would I call" (friend or acquaintace, not a professional you pay) if you needed help with something that requires skills and/or knowledge. I argue that most of the times the person you choose will be a man not a woman.

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