When it comes to the socially inept DnD player, there are two kinds...

I see it a bit differently;

The first kind of socially awkward people are the kind that tries to get over it, they're willing to give it a go and break out of their shell, and they're willing to accept my help in that endeavor. Some people just need some help with getting used to social environments, and I get that sometimes it can be hard, but if you're actually trying then I'm fine with it.

The second kind are the socially awkward people who are not trying, they do not want my help in getting more used to the environment around them, and they either don't care or don't see that they're ruining the game. They can be introverts unable and unwilling to adapt, or even extroverts not used to the DnD groups of people and sees themselves as above it or better then it and is unwilling to see past their biases. If you're one of these kinds of people then idc how bad your "social anxiety" is, I simply don't want to play with you, and if it's something as serious as a medical condition creating this personality, then get some fucking professional help. If it's not that serious then you're simply not trying to improve or at least adapt in order for everyone to have a good time, and that shit just does not fly in my book.

Those are the only two kinds of "socially awkward people" I've ever run into. I have been told I'm lucky though, cause I found a gaming BAR that has a DnD night, I'm told it's a different kind of crowd then your typical gaming shops, but that could also just be more bystander bias based on stereotypes, hard to say having never experienced anything other then gaming at the bar or online with friends to far away to actually meet up :P

/r/DnD Thread