When did you realize that you were being a creep?

Thanks for replying.

The gravity of my situation is the core of the argument though.

I understand that it is for you in your situation, but it is not the core of the original post here. That’s why I’m disagreeing with you on certain points. But I get that you are very cautious and suspicious, I would probably be the same if I experienced what you have.

Women don't care about your feelings on this matter because we care more about our literal bodily safety.

Yeah but this is a fallacy in your reasoning— these two are not opposites of the spectrum. You and I are both fully in agreement that people who rape should be heavily punished, and that if you can avoid a dangerous situation, by all means.

But you are basically saying to me “Fuck you and your feelings”, which I completely understand, but all I’m saying is: that will always make me say “hang on one second”.

My main problem is with generalizing an issue to an entire group, and assuming the whole group has the same trait. I think that is fundamentally wrong, and possibly dangerous, because it can create hate. It creates an us vs. them. You’re doing it (albeit somewhat) to a gender, a gang does it towards another gang, racists do it towards a group with a different skin color.

I'm just gonna butt in and investigate if you're trying to take a drunk girl home

That’s good of course, but if you ASSUME the guy was taking advantage of her from the get go, I have a bit of a problem with that. And THAT was the start of the discussion with OPs post: he had nothing but good intentions, but felt guilty after he realized other people thought differently. I think that is not good and it’s not gonna help matters.

be unfriendly if you cold approach me in public

This I don’t really understand— what’s wrong with a guy trying to approach? That’s a very very very long way away from assault.

We constantly get blamed for getting raped, and yet we're also admonished for taking steps to prevent that.

I’m very sorry that that is your experience— I can honestly say I don’t know people who blame the girl for getting raped, or anyone who berates a girl for taking steps to prevent that. I hope I have conveyed that that is absolutely not what my intention is with these posts.

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