When your best friend's adoption falls through and you're devastated for her and it's exacerbating your own anxiety about having a family someday because you know you have fertility issues

Due to medical reasons my friend can't get pregnant. She was 4 months into the process of adopting a newborn girl from her cousin who is in jail and drug addict. The cousin's mother (aka Aunt) was fostering the child until the the child could be put in my friend's home (friend lives in another state than the Aunt). The Aunt started talking to her drug addicted daughter again, daughter had found Jesus, and the Aunt stopped the adoption from going through.

My friend is devastated. Her husband is devastated. Her parents are devastated. She called me and had me come out to visit with her this weekend and I was blindsided with the news when I got there. I was so joyful for her but also slightly envious until yesterday. Now I feel terrible. I'm bitter at everything.

As for me, when I was younger a huge set of medical problems rendered me infertile. I will never had kids the old fashioned way. Donor egg IVF may be a viable option and then there's adoption. Both are shitty options. Adoption might lead to me getting attached to a kid only to have the child ripped away from me at the last moment, while IVF may be a miserable failure and moneysink.

How can drug addicts get knocked up so easily, when both my friend and I who are college educated, productive members of society not?

/r/TrollXChromosomes Thread Link - admin.mashable.com