Where's your high school crush now?

Not really high school, but first year uni. It was the typical story of falling in love and planing a future together.

So after uni we we're both working and applying to grad school, and I get getting in but she was rejected (not because I was better or anything, but her field was far more competitive and my research was pretty unique [read more publishable]). This built up a bit of resentment, and ended with her cheating on me.

I found out and we broke up, and managed to get an offer at a school I had previously said no too (amazing luck there). She use to email me every few months, but I didn't respond (the last one was about six months ago I think). I still really care about her, so keep up on certain news. Her families still in financial trouble, and found out it was far worse that she ever knew. Apart from that she seemed to have being doing well, and from googling a few months ago she even got an award.

Still, a quick google now tells me she's not in that position anymore, and transferred to another part of the company that I know (from friends who work there), is a dead end and will be pretty much terminated; so don't know what happened there, and wondering if I should reach out and warn her.

Apart from the emails, there's been no contact for a few years and even her facebook picture hasn't changed since a month after our breakup.

/r/AskReddit Thread