Which brand has lost you as a customer ?

BOA was a major factor in my marriage ending. I was married to a man with a spending problem. One thing we tried near the end was having separate bank accounts and one joint account. His separate account was with BOA but my account and the joint account were with different banks.

We set up his account to send a check to the house every 2 weeks that I'd deposit into our joint account. I had to deposit the check the morning he got his paycheck or else he'd spend all his money and it would bounce. Welp, the timing got off and got to the point where I'd have to hold the paycheck in my purse almost 2 weeks and then deposit it right away on payday morning. So one week, BOA decided to withdraw his account both on the check I deposited PLUS the check that had just been mailed to us that was still in the mail. His account was overdrawn plus fees. It took a few days to fix but then they put the money back twice. They didn't reimburse any of the overdraft fees. After they put the money back twice he withdrew all of it. Then when they realized their error and took back half the money, he was withdrawn again. Then he came to me and said he was in a bind and needed money from my account to cover the overdraft. He made up an elaborate story and I didn't realize what he did until I saw his statement. I'm not going to tell you the gritty details of our crumbling marriage, but that was one of the final straws in its dissolution. Pretty obvious that BOA targeted him.

I used to run the BOA Shamrock Shuffle every year. No more!

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