WHO report: 74% of men and 64% of women in UK to be overweight by 2030

For God's sake, upvote this!

The British Empire reached it's zenith on sugar. Even more than the Raj. There's a couple of good recent documentaries outlining how it went. There really was no market for sugar from the West Indies, and Britian became the first nation to market a product to their own citizens to jump-start an economy. You want better evidence? It's called the United States of America. Britain almost couldn't be bothered to give a shit about those guys because the West Indian sugar barons had wa-hayyyyy more influence than some Puritan provincial from Massachusetts or even Virginia. Who cares about tobacco! Sugar, baby.

Tea, created for sugar. The actual institution of Test was created to consume sugar, to enrich interested Parlimentarians who then went on to finance the world's first Industrial Revolution. That money then accelerated the conquest of the Raj, and subsequently everything else.

Here is the reason the UK is getting fatter, and it's a tragedy of epic proportions:

The death of the Pub Culture. That's right. Going to the Pub, having a few pints, waiting for it to all blow over, eating scotch eggs, wolfing fish and chips, is healthier than doing the American thing that you British have been marketed, which is sit on your fat white ass at home playing video games in front of a wide screen, watching football on your fat white ass, drinking Tesco soda on your fat white ass, downing White Cider on your fat white ass, and all of the other sedentary activities which British used to NOT undertake which made the country a goddam fortress of sanity for so long.

You motherfuckers better not do it. Get your ass down to your local pub. Support the movement to preserve them. Step on the social engineering ninnies. Put a stop to it. For fuck's sake.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - theguardian.com