Who is the worst person you have been forced to work or hang out with?

I once worked with a local upcoming artist in the area where I now live. He was a nice as hell, laid back guy with the worst work ethic. I guess it's one of those "stick to something you're actually good at." I was put on charge of him, he'd disappear on every person training/babysitting him to take phone calls for appointments and such. One of his family members owned some music company and he had perks around the town for playing at various venues. The family gave him partial responsibility, not enough to pay him apparently. I have no clue but he came from a very well off family. I admire that he wanted to make his own money and all, and i repeat- nice as hell guy, but he'd tell us the craziest stories no one at work could relate to and it almost came off as him being showy of his wealth status. He had friends come by for the hundreds (yes, hundreds) he'd owe them and talk to them in the lobby even if we were busy. Towards the end, I lost my cool. We would be busy and he'd disappear 30 mins to an hour to talk to someone on the phone and I'm sure our GM only had him for publicity purposes. Locals knew who he was. We did end up getting more customers while he was there. He never actually did work, was liked only because he randomly decided to give people some kind of perk (I.e. backstage pass to the music venue he would be at, meet some band that randomly comes to town) and for the most part was very well unliked by the staff. I was the only one babysitting him because of my patience until I got sick of it and went to my GM about him. He still stayed for another month or two and he quit himself saying it was too much for him. He didn't even do work for more than 30 mins every shift. It was such a waste of money to have him around. To make things worse, we had to split an equal amount of money with him disappearing by the hour.

/r/AskReddit Thread